
I’m Sarah, wife to Joshua, and mommy to two sweet girls, Emma and Olivia. I’m a former preschool teacher, now homeschool mama. I love the Lord and hope to share His love with others. I created this blog to share ideas and to encourage others in Christ to live life with His grace. Life, motherhood, and homeschooling can be difficult. A lot of times we may feel like the only ones doing everything wrong. It can be discouraging at times. I want to encourage others it’s okay to not do everything perfectly all the time. There are many times I mess up throughout my days of motherhood and homeschooling, but thank the Lord for grace! For the times we may lose our patience, our children don’t listen, maybe we didn’t get to complete everything on our to-do lists, God gives us grace. I hope this blog encourages you and hopefully gives you ideas and tips to use for life, motherhood, and homeschooling.

blessed sarah 3